U20/23 League Rules & Policies
League Fee - $450
Carding Fee - $575 (Maximum 25 per team. More can be purchased.)
Referee Fee – $110 per team per game (Not included in league fee.)
The Default Day for EDP games is Sunday.
By mutual consent, teams can move a game from one day of the week to another; in the absence of mutual consent, the posted date must be honored.
By mutual consent, teams can move a game from one week of the season to another; in the absence of such consent, the posted date must be honored.
The only permissible reasons to require that a posted game be re-scheduled:
The posted game falls on the same day as a league-accepted priority competition for conflict purposes. Such competitions will be acknowledged prior to the start of the season.
The host site has unplayable fields due to weather conditions. If the host team’s fields are unplayable or unavailable for any reason other than the immediate weather conditions, and the listed visiting team has fields available for the game date, teams must switch sites for the posted game.
Upon receiving the posted schedules, teams are expected to promptly make arrangements for their scheduled games. A list of team Contacts will be posted on the sent out specific to their bracket.
Teams should contact opponents promptly if there will be a request to change the game day or game week. If there is mutual consent, the EDP Coordinator should be then informed by email with copies to both teams promptly. Disputed requests should be similarly submitted to the EDP Coordinator as soon as it is clear that the issue will need assistance to be resolved, but an absolute minimum of ten days prior to the scheduled game.
Host teams should confirm the date of the game, provide the time and place of the game and any travel directions as soon as possible, but at least ten days prior to the scheduled game.
Both scheduled teams have an obligation to be proactive in the scheduling process. If a host team is not contacting the visiting team within a reasonable time with game details, or either team is not responding to attempts to contact the team, the EDP Coordinator should be advised promptly.
Games at central sites without a Host Team will be handled by the EDP Coordinator.
Cancellations within the 7-day window will require full payment for referee fees and may require payment of facility fees.
Notifications of cancellations need to be sent to the EDP League Staff at league@edpsoccer.com and to your assigned referee assignor.
All games will be 90-minutes long, consisting of two 45-minute halves with stoppage time if the referee deems it necessary.
There will be unlimited substitutions on any stoppage of play.
If teams have a clash in uniform colors, the Home Team will change.
There is no roster cap size on the number of players for USASA roster.
A maximum of 23 players can be utilized in any one game.
Improper use of Players and Rosters may result in forfeits, fines, declarations of “not in good standing”, vacating of remaining scheduled games, and other sanctions. (Note that there are liability and insurance ramifications to many of these carding issues, in addition to competitive ramifications; hence there will be little to no tolerance of attempts to circumvent the Regulations.)
Only players currently and validly rostered on their official, USASA Rosters with USASA cards may participate.
If a player is on an approved USASA roster from the same club on a different age group they will be permitted to play as long as the coach can provide a copy of that roster to the ref and the player has their USASA pass.
In the case of an over aged player we will allow three over aged per season that still must complete the USASA carding process.
U23 (2002) teams will be allowed three over-aged players that must be 25 and Under (2000).
Game Referee assignments will be conducted through an official Referee Assignor.
Information (teams, date, time, location, directions and contact information for both teams) for upcoming games must be provided to the Head Assignor or the designated Sub-Assignor at least eight days before each game by the Host Team.
Any changes to the scheduled game must be reported to the designated Assignor (and to the opponent) by no later than 7:00 PM of the Monday before the game in question. Failure to do so may result in the imposition of referee costs and/or failure to properly assign referees for the scheduled game. Communication should be by both email and by phone message, if confirmation of the change by all concerned has not occurred before the Monday before the game.
Ref fees will be $110 per team per game.
Three-man system will be implemented for all games.
Teams must accept that not all Referees possess the same skill set and experience, and that occasionally teams may differ with Referee rulings and the conduct of a game. All EDP participants (and their supporters) are expected to treat all Referees with respect and decorum and recognize that player development on either sideline is not abetted by continually pursuing distracting hostilities with game officials.
How to build your roster:
How to get players approved:
For a player to be approved, these items will be needed for each player:
Headshot photograph
Proof of birth (Birth Certificate, Driving License or Passport)
This can be done by a coach/manager or by players themselves. For the coach/manager, the steps to do this are as follows:
Dashboard -> Team Management -> Select Team -> Rosters -> Select Player -> Documents -> Upload -> Save
How players can upload their own documents:
How to print your game card:
At this time, all scores should be reported by the home team within 24 hours of the conclusion of the EDP match.
Visit GotSport - https://system.gotsport.com/submit_event_codes/new
Event ID - U23LEAGUE25
Event Pin - 6655
Note that a Forfeited match will be reported as a 1-0 score.
While EDP U23 games will adhere to normal standards of sanctions and discipline, it is stressed that we expect teams to be self-disciplined and self-policing as much as possible. The Program stresses that the primary concern should always be about player development, and not solely wins and losses. Teams are expected to monitor their own coaches, players and supporters as much as reasonably possible, and continual poor behavior, inappropriate language, harassment of officials, disrespect to opponents or attempts to circumvent rules and regulations are grounds for sanctions and even immediate removal from the balance of the league schedule.
A Red Card sanction in a game will normally result in a one game suspension of the player (or coach).
Such sanction will be served in the next following EDP match-up with a regular season opponent.
In reporting their scores, Team Managers are obligated to advise jade_jacobs@edpsoccer.com (and copy their next opponent) of the Red Card received by their team, identifying both the player’s full name and uniform number.
In return for self-policing the sit-out of the player or coach, teams will be allowed to have their Player Passes returned to Team Managers at the conclusion of their match.
EDP teams commit a great deal of time, effort and resources to secure regularly scheduled quality matches. Consequently, to deprive an opponent of an expected match is a highly-sanctionable event in EDP.
Once a match is set on the schedule the game must be played.
Log into your team account.
Click on Roster at the top of the page
Click on Register New Player.
Player Identification
Contact Information
Photo Identification
Additional Information (does not need to be completed).
Player ID Number:
First 2 letters of First Name
First 2 letters of Last Name
Two digits for Birth Month
Two digits for Birth Year