EDP Respect & Etiquette Policy
Playing soccer should be a positive experience that provides opportunities for young athletes to develop as players and helps nurture them to become confident and compassionate individuals. REP encourages spectators, coaches, and club officials to provide positive reinforcement to players and referees.
What is REP?
REP is an effort to improve the game day experience. It encourages spectators, coaches, and club officials to provide positive reinforcement to players and referees. REP provides guidelines on how positivity and respectful behavior impacts young athletes.
Who does REP apply to?
This policy applies to all individuals attending and participating in EDP competitions, including referees, coaches, clubs, and spectators. This program was initially rolled out to EDP clubs in March of 2018, and will continue to be part of all EDP events and league seasons. In order for our players to fully benefit from REP, EDP intends for all partners and participants to adopt this policy. The goal is for every official, club, team, and individual to support REP during each EDP competition.
What are the details of REP?
REP outlines guidelines and responsibilities for referees, coaches, clubs, and spectators as well as related procedures.