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edp soccer
Top stories circulating the world of Region I youth soccer

EDP Cup Fall Showcase 2023 Boys Tournament Recap
Over Thanksgiving weekend, EDP Soccer hosted the second half of the EDP Cup Fall Showcase 2023, annually one of the top college showcase...

EDP Cup Fall Showcase 2023 Girls Tournament Preview
Over the next two weekends, EDP Soccer will host the EDP Cup Fall Showcase 2023, which is annually one of the top college showcase...

EDP Central Jersey Invitational 2023 Tournament Recap
This past weekend, EDP Soccer hosted one of its flagship events of the Summer— the EDP Central Jersey Invitational 2023. The event...

EDP Summer Classic 2023 Tournament Recap
This past weekend, EDP Soccer hosted the EDP Summer Classic for 8U-19U boys and girls teams. The Summer Classic tournament is the final even

USYS National League Regional Showcase NJ 2023 Girls Recap
EDP Soccer hosted the first half of USYS National League Regional Showcase NJ over the weekend featuring the 15U-19U Girls. Over 140...

EDP Central Jersey Invitational Tournament Recap
This past weekend, EDP Soccer hosted the Central Jersey Invitational for 8U-15U boys and girls teams. The Central Jersey Invitational is one

2022 EDP Summer Classic Tournament Recap
Teams were on fire this weekend as the event saw over 200 teams score over 800 goals in within the two venues of Green Branch Park in...

2022 EDP Cup Spring Showcase BEST XI Recipients
USYS Regional Showcase New England BEST XI Boys
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